A-3 Apna bazar, St Workshop Rd
Mehsana, Gujarat 384002
+91 9601656116 info@candidevs.com

App Development

Services App Development

Here is our App Development services

Smartphones are the first thing many people look at when they wake up and the last thing they look at before falling asleep. We used to refer to mobile as “the third screen”—that is, after TV and computers—but really, it’s time to start thinking of it as the first screen. Mobile technologies have become an important platform to conduct business, generate leads and support operations. Mobile platforms are changing very rapidly, as new devices, uses and operating systems have been introduced by the market. With our experience building standards-based Mobile Applications, our track record for customer service, and our involvement in the Open Source community, we are able to offer Mobile Application Development services as a natural extension of our business.

Expertise in
  • Native Android app development
  • Native iOS app development
  • Web-based app development
  • Use of bleeding-edge coding technologies and app development tools
  • Device Size Detection and Customization
  • Design Focused on Accessibility of all site content on all devices
  • Multiple-Device Testing
  • Ability to use popular Mobile Frameworks (jQuery Mobile, PhoneGap, Appcelerator, Sencha Mobile) or custom light-weight approaches using your existing site
  • Deployment on app hubs such as Apple App Store and Google Apps Marketplace

Call Us For Quote

If you need a new app or website, or if you want to update your CRM, then this is the place for you!

+91 9601656116

Get In Touch

A-3 Apna bazar, St Workshop Rd
Mehsana, Gujarat 384002


+91 9601656116

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